Friday, December 17, 2010

Another Wind waker boss battle drawing!


It's my latest drawing!(well not exactly, It took me a while to get my scanner to work). It's Wind Waker Link throwing his trusty boomerang at the Kalle Demos!

 This time I drew with colored pencils instead of markers and crayons! It seems to me that ever since I went to hawaii last summer, my drawings have extremely improved! Just look! I'm so happy! This drawing is really good! The one thing I did miss was link's shadow, but it still looks amazing!  

Monday, December 13, 2010


Jeez, this year has been hard. The guy I liked from previous posts is away from me forever and he loves someone else, so typical (why did I even like him in the first place?!?!). I have joined so many new clubs and my schedule is jacked up, but it keeps time for cute guys away from me (Yay! No more drama for now). Writing more stories, so maybe I'll be able to put up some of those! I'm drawing MORE DOODLES!! The year is almost over and my life has changed so much, sometimes I wish I could slap my past self... 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Life is tuff! Don't stop BELIEVIN'!!

Well for a while I was feeling down and it hurt me inside that I couldn't do anything about the problem I was facing. But there was hope inside my gut, that I should keep on dreaming... so during the pain, tears, and sadness I was dreaming even if I didn't want to. But months passed and a shinning new rainbow of happiness has finally had come down. Why did I still keep in dreaming? Why did I never lose hope even though I was balling my eyes out? Well... because when I was very little my mom bought me (next to the pokemon stuff and a roller-skates) was a movie called Cinderella. In that movie even though Cinderella had a super crappy life she still kept on dreaming and soon enough she had got her wish in dancing with the prince; thats who inspired me. So thanks again cinderella for helping me, no matter what age I am.

So when your In trouble always remember to dream!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rant of the day

Why WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :[ Why is it that things in life go horribly wrong and later in your dreams they keep on showing you the things that you love but cant hold onto! (huff.. Puff..XP) Ok I think im good... wait.. ARRRGGGHHH!!! WWWWWHHY!!!!!?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ZOMG!!!!!! :O

Woah!!! I just realized I haven't been on in a long time.. (well no one cares anyways) but its just been so busy these couple of weeks camping, my best bud visited me for a couple of weeks, I was stomped on and just sat by myself, finished a couple of vid games, And got ready for school (huff.. huff). Thats a lot! I never do so much over the summer until then. But I'll be back!
This is an example of what summer did to me

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Animal Pics of the day

I took pictures a the zoo last week and so every other day or so I'll post an animal I saw last week! And todays is.................... THE ENCHILADA!!! Um I mean THE ENCHIDA!!!!

Or if its a girl here's another picture....
No this isn't the real picture.......
Heres a real picture!! Yes the Enchida! I dont know how to pronounce that and I almost mistook it for a Hedgehog... Im sorry little Enchida!! Now I know why Knuckles is so angry al the time cause people think he's a hedgehog like sonic! But it does look like a Hedgehog.

Food Battle 2010 POLL!!!

We have to help anthony kick Ian's butt this year!!! Cause he's only best him once like in 2007 but that was like a long time ago... STILL WE NEED TO HELP HIM SO HE CAN WIN FOR THE SCEOND TIME!!! And I think the egg roll should win!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

super michael jackson!!!

When micheal jackson died he didnt go to heavean... or hell, HE WENT TO THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM!!!! DONT STOP HIM NOW!!!! And plus hes no longer on thousands of medications any more!

Friday, July 2, 2010

World cup ball fail

HA! YEah thats all I got to say...


Im bored this summer but Im playing my favorite video game series (If you haven't obviously seen) the legend of zelda series. And I love coloring this time of year so what is there better to do COLOR AWESOME PICS OF MY FAVORITE GAMES!! So Im gonna post pics all summer (most likely) don't get too excited.... -_-

#1 The legend of zelda Wind waker- Link and Gohma

Peace out homedogs!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Yay! charlie the unicorn is BACK ON BABY!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword :D

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Im a nerd) Im SO excited for the newest installment of the legend of zelda series to come out... well I'll have to wait I for a long time cus it doesn't come out till like next year :{ BUT I'LL BE WAITING TILL THEN!!!!! I just cant believe this like this morning I was sippin' my late when I went on zelda wiki and I saw a new box up in the corner and I saw this... It brought tears to my eyes :'-) What I thought was really cool was there bringing two gaming graphics together; the windwakers cell shading and twilight princesses real life graphics. WHEN the two combine IT MAKES THIS AWESOME GRAPHIC GAME!!!!!!! B)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Goodbye fresh men year!!!

Just because I play all the legend of zelda and mario games doesn't mean I have no friends (well at least that don't play video games....) just kidding. But getting to the point! I have had a wonderful freshmen year with all my amazing loving friends! and I deeply thank them for letting my 6th and 5th period classmates for letting me take (ummm... slightly nice pictures with me) And I'll never forget the awesome, creative, and superfabulous sixth period class I have I LOVE YOU GUYS <3

6th PERIOD!!!!!
Grrr!!! Im justin hear me RAWR!!!
Bruno didn't want to take a pic but I forced him to (this is a fake smile)
Vanessa and Nani lookin' so fly
My buddy Preston and your lovable blogger ME!!!

ALEX her coolness
ME!!! and some guy (uuhhh... I feel so bad I forgot his name -_-)
Alex before she nocked down her tower of papers! (this was acually taken in 3rd period)
Ellexis and mhua (this one was also taken in 3rd too)
Jackie and that other person in my class

Thumbs up for Edlyn !!!!


Robert and April (april was angry at the time when I took her picture)
Robert and the fabulous MADDY!!
Sarah and Robert
And last but not least my good friend raphie

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MARIO 3 speed run

If you've played any mario bros. game and never finished it you'll feel my envy of the this person, I mean they make it look so easy!!! And under eleven minutes! I've been playing this for about fourteen years and never finished it. Its like this person knows whats going to happen before it even happens, jeez they got skills... And whats totally unbelievable is they finish bowsers castle in less than a fuging minute (I think like 50 seconds or somthing..). Well at least I know how to play the mario song ON MY GIUTAR, WHAT NOW!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well finals are coming up and our teachers (if your still in school) have taught us everything we need to know so far. And as the loving caring responsible students we are, WE WILL RISE UP AND DO GOOD ON OUR TEST!! But before that happens you need to get motivated, and how will I? This inspirational test that will prove your worthingness!!! So watch it now. SO BRING THIS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fail thats all I have to say....

The history of Nintendo gaming Consoles

Hey you wild kids do you have a wii at home? Well even if you don't (cause your parents don't love you) Im gonna tell you a story anyways... Well (if you have one) that wii you have is made by Nintendo and is a very popular company that sells video games ever since 1977. Yet sill has brought sparkles to peoples eyes even today. Dang thats a really freaking long time ago my mom was like born in that decade....
1) ANYWAYS on that cold stormy night a miracle was born.. (not my mom) but Nintendo's first console the Color TV Game!!! Sadly only released in japan (damn them...). With out this console we wouldn't have pong!!! Then some other games came out like in 1987 a new version of color TV game came out with two controllers (cause twos better than one) and that very same year came out with Color TV Racing 112 a awsome racing game that had a wheel and the gearshift.

2)In 1985 came the big cheese, the one console that gave everyone joy to the world, the NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM!! NES for short, this is the one that really started it all for america and japan. This little piece of work was sold in America, Brazil, Asia, and Australia. This system changed gaming, no. MADE GAMING HISTORY! Started third party developers and brought games like mario, Donkey Kong, Metriod, and (my all time favorite) LEGEND OF ZELDA to everyones homes.

3) look up in the sky its a plane! NO! Its a bird! NOO! ITS THE SUPER NINTENDO!!! In 1991 that year there was lots and lots of new video game competition, but they didn't stand a chance to the SNES and was the best selling 16-bit console EVER... The more power Nintendo had the more super cool games were created.

4) In the year 1996 the greatest thing ever invented the NINTENDO 64!!! I love this game. As soon as I started sitting up, I started playing this baby with my small meaty hands (cause I was like one when it came out). It had it all... Super Mario 64, Star wars, Legend of Zelda ocarina of time and Majora's mask, Shadows of the empire, Super Smash Bros., Banjo-Kazooie, and star fox 64.

5)2001 was the Nintendo GameCube. It fought against most new game systems like Xbox and PlayStation 2. It brought something new to the table instead of the old cartridges ( I especially hated it when they got dusty and you had to blow inside them) there was disks allowing dvd video games for Nintendo!

6)In 2006 one of the most greatest newest gaming consoles......... Wii!!! Yes now instead if having to have these dumb old tangled controllers there wireless handheld remotes were you simply point to the screen and it detects you motion. Also including the nun-chuck which gives more control to the gamer. The remote is alive it can make noises for certain games and a rumble device fro even more awesomeness! It is the smallest and most compatible system ever for Nintendo. Now in a new shiny black color too!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Somthing so bad can be so dang cool B)

I hate graffiti as much as the next person because its bad, vandalism, and is a bother to everyone. BUT this right here is totally freaking awesome, if people started graffitiing like this I would encourage this more often BECAUSE THIS IS A GIFT!! (not that crappy stupid tagging everyone does..)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


YES! If you didn't know pac-man is officially 30 years old this week!!!.... or was it last week -_- BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!!!! SO here are some cool pac- man pics to celebrate!!

pac-man in MAN FORM!!!
well it looks like pac-man (maybe from front view)
THE FINGER TOUCH!!! (with pac-man)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hey theres this really mysterious guy who makes the coolest videos! He tries something new each week with music!!! WHATCH AND BE AMAZED!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Carl is just terrible today.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Video fail :[

Hey peoples!!! Because I a retard because didn't know how to post videos but I FINALLY DID and its sooo cool now!!! So when ever I find funny videos on you tube I WILL POST THEM!! :P

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

how to feel good again...

My family's depression has gotten a lot worse with the economy. But even though everyone but me is complaining I like to stay on the positive side. Even though I already knew these, I CAN HELP OUT YOU STAY HAPPY!!!! (maybe)
1. Life is hard, so accept that its difficult. So try something new to put on the path to happiness, thats what everyone should do. And remember life sucks SO DEAL WITH IT!! I try and stay on the positive every day no matter how bad the day is.
2. DONT COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!! People who always complain about there life just want attention so some one else can help them. Consider how fortunate you are and what you have. Stop complaining about not having the designer clothes or brand name shoes well you know what there's people out there WHO DONT HAVE ANY FEET!!! SO suck it up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. I wanted to pick out a car for my next birthday but my mom said I'm getting her car, I'm still happy, at least I got a nice working car (good thing Its not a toyota).
3. Look at yourself on the inside, what are some things you like about yourself. Are you good something? Are you the best at hot dog eating contests? Good at being the messiest?Try and stay on the positive side on life. Don't think about how fabulous celebrities and think "ohhh im so not cool and Im stupid..", in reality they got problems too.
4. What can you do to make your life better? Besides money, fame, and shinny objects. What have you always wanted to do in life? The first step is usually the hardest - getting help or admitting you need it. Get motivated and give yourself a boost by focusing on what is important to you personally.

5. I've always said anything can happen, so bad thing will go away. There will be another tomorrow, so perhaps by then things will change for the better.

6. Its ok to feel sad sometimes but once in a while enjoy the moment. Even in the worst of situations, its important to smile and laugh. Don't resect yourself form doing things you love because there not important. Let yourself enjoy life even if your not in the best place you could be. You only have one life so make the best out of it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The boomerang

So like about a day ago I was playing my video games when I thought about one of my character's weapons; a boomerang. How can a little piece of wood kill a monster? So I searched online and it said that some boomerangs were used as hunting weapons. So the boomerang wasn't originally used for a fun throwing good time. It purpose was to hit and injure its target sufficiently to enable it to be captured or just to get the spear throwers into range.Some returning boomerangs can be limited to killing birds and distracting animals into traps. In some regions the boomerang was made different than others, designs where it could curve around obstructions, to skip with force off the ground, and to swirl in a large arc eventually to curve back to the thrower. So that little piece of wood can kill some monsters maybe little ones though...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Have you ever seen a picture of a bear eating honey and thought that bears always eat honey. WELL THOSE ARE BEAR STEREOTYPES!!!! Well bears sort of go out and hurt trees just to eat that stuff..... But really what there after is the bee larvae its a very good source of protein for them. So bears do eat honey BUT they just want that good larvae food. So the next time you see pooh bear at disney land say,"YOU DONT JUST EAT HONEY POOH YOU EAT BEE LARVAE TOO!!!".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crazy rich people gone to the dogs

Even though rich people can be fabulously wealthy, sometimes they go a little overboard when shopping for their dogs. And what I thinks retarded is that dogs wont thank you back when you spent your life savings on a freaking golden diamond sweater you got them. Especially when they like it so much they tear it to pieces.. Before I searched these things on the internet I didn't know they existed for your "precious" puppies.
You see this house? Before I read the article I thought it was one of those themed play houses for little kids, NO! Its a freaking dog house...30,000 DOLLARS!!!! Its called the "Mediterranean Revival" and comes with LED light too, good luck with your dog coughing up dough for the electric bill...
WHO THE HELL INVENTED THIS!!?!?! Its a freaking anti aging chamber for your dogs, looks more like some underwater exploration device. Your dogs can get a healthy dose of oxygen and never age and get those nasty wrinkles at all. You can teach your dog new tricks and they'll never get old.
DU DU DU DUUU!!!!! The pet microwave... um I mean the Pet Pavilion. With this they can stuff this poor little pooch into this bread bin-shaped, infra-red body warmer. But does that dog look happy, REALLY? Now someone can actually say "OH NO I LEFT MY DOG IN THE OVEN!!!"