Sunday, February 28, 2010


MY FAVORITE TV SHOW is chowder because its awesome and super cool. The main character is a boy named Chowder an apprentice to a chef Mung Daal, who owns a catering company serving the in Marzipan City. Chowder himself was developed with no specific species in mind, but on the show everyone calls him a cat bear rabbit thing. One of the cool design features of the show is the patterns used on the characters' clothing or skin. These patterns are developed as a full screen image and then there sent to a production house where the characters are modified to fill the patterns in over the character clothing. Using this technique, when a character moves and their patterns do not follow, is a "static" background. Chowder is set in Marzipan City , the architectural style of the city look like examples from Moroccan and Indian architectures.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Todays Attractions...(besides boys)

Have you been to Disney World? Well I haven't and if you have I'm totally freaking jealous:[ But I don't know when I'll be going there but I know when Im older (preferably when I'm married) I'll go to disney world. What always makes me think about Disney World was the MAGIC GOLF BALL EPCOT!!!!

Or the magic Hat that sparkles in the night they have one in disney but its 10 times as smaller and its by the disney land hotel were no one really sees it...

I have heard that the ride attraction "Its a small world" is better too. Like the ride is bigger and they put more stuff in there than the one in disneyland. Which is cool cause i love that ride not like you people who hate the ride cause its annoying THAT RIDE FREAKING ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!
Little sexy people on a steamboat!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On my spare time....

Some times I have know Idea what these words mean but who made up these fears? And is there a fear of cat carring cupcakes with moehawks on the planet Q? But check out these weird fears :0

apanthropia - A fear of people (SOCIAL OUTCAST!!!)

arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter (maybe if you were allergic)

atychiphobia - A fear of failure

ablutophobia - A fear of bathing (hippies?)

ailurophobia - A fear of cats (guess not a cat person?)

albophobia - The fear of white people (RACISTS!!!)

alektorophobia - A fear of chickens (Vegetarian?)

alopeciaphobia - A fear of going bald

ambulophobia - The fear of walking (Fat people?)

To the future

Hey have you ever wondered what it would be like IN THE FUTURE?!?! like one of those 1905's future book with fancy cars and robots...
What would we dress like? Would it be teletubish with tvs on our bellies and entenas on our heads? Mabie have Katamari casual sundays? Or go retro and dress robotic?

Will we meet Aleins and be typical americans and kill them to excintion?(sorry aliens) One thing I know wouldn't change: Humans destroying things, soap operas, reality TV, and wars.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fried chicken hurts us all....

When you were little kid and you heard about those fairy tales didnt you think that your crush was going to swoop you off your feet and ride a white horse into the sunset... well in reality its not like that. I know my best friend likes me and I like him but he has a girlfriend :[ but she treats him like crap cheating, breaking up and making up AND HES OK WITH IT!!! One day he told me "I've had enough with her and we broke up" and I told him "yeah you need a better girl..." then his eyes sparkled. BUT THE NEXT WEEK HE'S BACK WITH HER WHATS HIS DEAL!?!?!?!? =__= Yeah I figured that was going to happen *sigh*...... I like and understand him so much, were so happy when we talk and laugh together. He's been the first guy were I feel more than just friends!!! Hey its kinda like that music video from Taylor swift.

But I'll be dreamin' about the day he wakes up and its been ME the whole time, why cant he see???HE BELONGS WITH MEE!!!!! 'o'

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Better than a pack of wolves

Ha ha ha!!! This looks so funny a little pack of corgis on the beach. Its funny because what if you were on the beach havin a good time and suddenly you randomly see a wild pack of corgis just running along wouldn't that be weird? This picture sure cheered up my day..


Im having a debate with my best friend in school and I don't know who's going to win....
and were debating on which is better Percy jackson and the Olympians or Twilight and I've got PJO Its been really hard to write about that but I've finally got it... but i cant say because there sharks on this website (only one person knows what I'm talking about) but which do you prefer The Percy jackson series or the twilight saga?

In my opinion PJO series is better because it hasn't been screwed up by fans....... but I'm NOT talking about the movie in my debate.

Or would you rather debate on Sparkly bear eating vampires or hot tan guys that explode there clothes of when turning into wolves? Hmm....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

All I want is world peace...

Hooray!!! Its almoost ma birfday and this is really all I could think of for what I want for my special day...

1. sea monkeys

sea monkeys are freakin awesome I had them as a kid but always made them die, so I think I'm more responsible now. And look at the castle its a totally pimpin castle I would want to put all my aquatic pets in there any day.

2. Legend of zelda spirt tracks
ever since i was 3 I was obsessed with video games and my favorite series of all time is the legend of zelda and i would like to try out the newest game to the collection cause the game looks so cool. And what video gamer (like awesome myself) wouldn't want to get it?

3. a LOMO camera
I LOVE these cameras they take awesome pictures and I've never had a camera like this before so it would be nice to get one.

4. Joe Jonas

what else do i HAVE to say about this one... its freaking Joe Jonas!?!

5. A pet dinosaur
That would be cool to have a pet dinosaur, I would name him billy and he would be mine. Get rides on his back, he would eat the grass so I don't have to mow the lawn, I would make him a house because he couldn't fit in the house, and my very own house protection so all billy has to do is squish the intruder.

6. A Sweet Toaster
It would be cool to have a toaster. Like when the toast pops out and scares the crap out of you, thats so much fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey everybody! IM BACK!!!! From my camping trip of course (if anyone hasn't noticed) but I had a great time up in the High sierras in Big Bear City with my family and friends. I have this valentines day curse that is still on to me and I didn't get to snowboard, what the valentines curse is that Every year since i was in kindergarden I feel sick or pain like in past years I've had... stomach flu, broken leg and arm, worst fever EVER, dog died, and chipped a tooth (but it was a baby tooth) but maybe the curse will break if I ever get a frikin boyfriend (thatspecial someone) but for now love can can screw me how much it wants. This year I can add a new pain to my collection A FREAKIN MIGRAINE. My migraine started during breakfast and after I took a nap and took some headache pills I felt so better and t around 4 o'clock I woke up and felt better,and was sad because I missed more than a half of valentines day. But besides that my trip to Bear City was wonderful :]

On the side of the cabin
some snow i just walked on
the lovely cabin I stayed in

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Currently I am reading the twilight series because my friend forced me and now that ive read one book Im starting to like it. I used to hate it cause all the girls that were in my middle school a long time ago were obsessed with it, but now that i have finally read the books its growing on to me.. still the movies are ok. I thought the series was going to be awful cause i always over exaggerate ironically they have hooked me in. So now im on the 2nd book almost half done with it and im happy cuz there finally talking more about jacob(aka handsome taylor).

Gong hei fat choy!! that means happy new year :]

Happy chinese new year! im so excited cause today im gonna celebrate this new year by havin a good dinner tonight (preferably red) cause its good luck. And thursday is my start of my FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!! Snow boardin in big bear which is totally awesome and also its gonna be valentines day!!! Im so jealous for al those people who are going to parades today i bet there super cool.... because ive only seen picture or videos online. Since tomorrow is the last day of the week im making hearts for all my friends at school, especially that special someone.....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hi peoples!! this is my first BLOG!! Im so happy cause i've always always wanted to do this. And i don't really like diaries that much.. and I wouldn't have anyone to read it (not that i want anyone to read my diary if i had one). But the main reason i have this is to show my drawings to the WORLD, write about my day, not think about the problems at ma house, AND not be bored anymore! And yes i am fierce!! But not like Sasha Fierce...
(\ /) LOOK I MADE A BUNNY! sometimes i do think i may have HDHD.
( 'x')
('') ('')