Monday, February 7, 2011

Gong hei fat choy!! and happy 1 year for me!

Yay!!! Wow has it been a year already??? Wow the time sure does fly. I had an OK Chinese New Year (nothing red this time) and this year is... oh yeah, the rabbit! I still need to go see a local parade. I'm so proud of myself for actually still keeping my blog stay strong (too bad my friend couldn't). Just a year ago I was a freshman in high school, my parents were fighting, and I TOTALLY had a crush on a boy. Well since that my parents are now together again, I'm a SOPHOMORE, and that (stupid) boy is no longer in my life. I was also becoming obsessed with video games too, and so now I'm a full fledged intermediate gamer :D See! One thing I have to say to my past self -YOUR SO DUMB FOR PUTTING ANY OF THAT ON YOUR BLOG!!! (PS you'll never have a chance with him anyways!!)- This year I'm still going to Big Bear, but thankfully my sister isn't! Then I have still no idea if my best friend is coming too (cause he's in love and has a girlfriend). So I'm a little nervous because I don't want to be alone this year, that would be even worse than getting a headache last year. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is my baby cousin! Kiamela the cutest baby ever!!! AND SHE'S ALL MINE!!! (not really, she's only my cousin) She looks exactly like her big brother; big head and a chunky body. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker Music-Dragon Roost Island

I wanted to prove my nerdyness to a whole new level... WITH MUSIC!! Yep, so for my first song (and favorite) is Dragon Roost Island!! This is the song that made me fall in love with the Legend of Zelda Series when I was in the third grade.. This song is so epic because it sounds super cool, like some kinda music you would hear in South America or something... But anyways the whole soundtrack is AMAZING, but this one hands down is the best. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well I had another daring debate with my best friend Alex again.. and like always we tied again. I thought I did better, but at the same time I had many horrible flaws. This time I did a much better conclusion and had all my facts proven like always... BUT as well I didn't really look up at the audience, I TRIED SO HARD, still it didn't work. I've been studdering lately so, it was hard for people to hear what I was saying. LASTLY, I was going way too fast... I just knew that my speech was over 3 minutes so I just sped though which shot me in the foot. So because of that (and the fact that it's 7:00 in the morning) I saw a less amount of hands when everyone voted for me. The teacher did agree with me though, but I had a tougher crowd this time.
Heres how my speech went....

A fight on the sea versus stealth, Bandits versus assassins, Pirates versus Ninjas!! The greatest battle that has surged the earth and even blown off a few heads. Talents of patience, art, technique, deception, heart and soul, all the traits a ninja has that I know a pirate doesn’t. The wonders and mysteries of ninjas coming back from all the way from the heart of japan has always been a popular culture. Ninja’s were created as spies, raiders, and assassins for the main reasons of what wimpy Japanese soldiers couldn’t do. This is the reason why I am here today, to tell you why Pirates would absolutely NOT win in a battle against ninjas.
I think I’d like to talk about the little pirates that you people agree with. I myself am a fan of pirates, from a long time ago. Yeah, Yeah, I know that pirates rule the seas and pillaged villages, but they only wanted fame and fortune, which was very hard for them. So pirates picked weak little targets where combat wasn’t really necessary, but if they did get a harder enemy, most of the time they fled away to find something easier.  So usually when they did do fearsome battles they used fear and cannonballs of steel to aim at their targets. They had more advanced technology weapons, like guns and ships. Pirates sailed the ocean, big deal I been on big boats. So what if they got a little treasure here and there?
Ninjas don’t need that stuff, ninjas use stealthy tactics and cooler metallic weapons. Who cares how pirates or ninjas dress? Ninjas don’t need flashy bling; the suit is for a purpose to kill, nothing else! A ninja has to learn and gain experience, while a pirate doesn’t, you could go out into the pirate world and become one yourself. Ha good luck. So that means if brand new experienced ninjas or pirates went in a fight, the ninjas have the advantage because they have already been learning and will gain more. Plus that just means more school makes ninjas smarter than pirates. Ninjas had Discipline! Discipline is the advantage! They’re not drinking, alcohol and getting drunk. They do one thing very well and that is killing! Ninjas are trained killing machines. Ninjas were taught to have no emotion in battle, so therefore they couldn’t run away in terror from pirates. There have been lots of cool legends about ninjas, once was about a 4th century prince who disguised himself as women, charmed a few guys and assassinated them. Ninjas used their art for survival in times of battle. They didn’t also just go off into the night and kill a few people, there training also involved discuses, escape, concealment, archery, and medicine, which I know pirates didn’t have.
And that is why Pirates would absolutely NOT win a battle against ninjas.

Well who would you think would win; Pirates or Ninjas?

Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm stuck with you

 I'm starting a new story right now. I'm so excited!! Well its starts slow but I'll think it will get better. Its about a boy named Ian living at a child center. A girl named Alison who just spent a few weeks in her new home, America. Last but not least another boy named Derrick whose adjusting to his brothers gone away to college (well at least most of them). I'm still thinking of a town they should live in, I was almost considering Michigan of some odd reason. ANYWAYS, this is just a start for me, so ENJOY! :D

Chapter 1
                Ian walked down the street and waved to Toney (the owner of Toney’s market). He skipped to the rhythm of the music that the kids were listening to. Almost dropping his groceries he hurried back to the child shelter, so Susan wouldn’t scold him again.
                “Well good morning everyone! And how is everyone feeling today?” Ian said walking though the building doors.
                No one seemed too good around here; most kids these days were new here. Ian had lived there for almost 11 years now, because nobody ever adopted him. Now that he was older he mostly helped around for Susan, the owner,  because every kid needed a second chance for a family.
                “Oh, thank you for getting those apples for me Ian! I can’t wait to make apple pies tonight! You’re such a sweetheart, I don’t know why your still here!” Susan said.
                “Don’t worry about me, my family is right here.” Ian said.
                They both walked to the kitchen getting ready for Susan’s famous apple pies. Ian grabbed a snack from the refrigerator and sat on the counter. Susan smacked his thigh and Ian jumped off.
                Susan started cleaning apples. “Ian, something tells me you want to ask me a favor.”
                “Yes, can I please go to Derrick’s today? I always ask before going, and I always will” Ian said still eating his banana.
                “Chew with your mouth closed, Ian. Now let’s see, CAN you go to Derrick’s today?” Susan said.
                “Susan, MAY I go to Derrick’s today?” Ian corrected himself.
                Susan laughed. “Of course you can! Go out have fun!”
                Ian jumped up and danced.
                “You practically live at their house. It’s so funny that they haven’t ever considered adopting you!” Susan joked.
                Ian ran out to the streets of Boston and towards Derrick’s Neighborhood. He ran past the crazy neighborhood sights and stopped at Derrick's house. He knocked on the door and went inside.
Alison starred out of her window looking at the city skyline. Why did we to move to this stupid place, she thought. Europe was her home! Not this dump! (Well not actually, when she was five years old they moved to Europe from America.)  Maybe she did have a little more opportunity here, but Alison could practically go to college right now because of all the work she did in European schools. Alison wanted to climb out of her window and fly away. Then she had a better idea; talking a good stroll outside. She walked down the hall and bumped into her mother; the woman who destroyed her dreams. 
Her mother glared at her. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“Well I was going to ask you, maybe if I could go outside. Take a stroll; release all my stress from this annoying move... May I mum?” Alison hesitated.
“No! You still have so unpack! Until those boxes are empty, you will not leave this house!” She yelled.
Luckily all the boxes left were just books. She took them to her room and dumped all the boxes into her closet.
“They're all empty! I'm done!" Alison Yelled. She grabbed her sweater and ran out of her apartment. FREEDOM!!! It took a while to get to the lobby, but it was worth it. Alison grabbed her bicycle and rides off into the city streets. Nearly getting ran over 2 times, yelling at distracted pedestrians, and threatening a little boy; Alison made it to the park. Once in a while a group of girls would ask talk to her and ask to hang out, still Alison turned them down. She didn't want to talk to anybody. Once when Alison was tired, she sat down on a park bench to rest alone. She caught a glimpse of a family having a family picnic. There was a mum, father, and a little brown haired girl; they were all happy and laughing together. Alison felt anger crawling through her and rode off on her bicycle with tears in her eyes.

An hour just before Ian comes over; Derrick had just got back from band camp and fell on the couch. He was so tired of doing the same thing over and over this whole week and couldn't wait till Band camp was over. His mom was in the office doing paperwork.
"Mom where's dad?" Derrick asked.
"He left to the gym. I'm sorry you needed him Puddin'. Oh, how was Camp today?" Mrs. West said.
Derrick sighed. "Typical, Dad's out and about... No time for Derrick, only time for work, work, work, and MORE WORK."
He walked down the hall to his mother's office. His mom was the only one in the family who understood Derrick, well most of the time. Derrick always could count on his mom to be there. Mrs. West grabbed Derrick's clarinet and attempted to play a song.
"Oh yeah, I did had fun today. At Camp, I had fun being there with all my friends." Derrick said.
                She stopped and wiped her mouth. "Gross, I just realized that you played this all day... I wish I could go back to school and join band, I always regret never joining. But that’s why I had you, so you could be the little musician in the family."
Derrick smiled. "So that why I joined, because you put me in?"
"You know I'm kidding... well sort of, you put yourself out there. You did what I couldn't! When you do things, you stick to them. Just like your father..." She said.
Derrick lowered his head. His mom got up and hugged him. "Oh puddin' you know your father loves you, he's just busy. Why can't you see that?"
"I don't know mom... I'm gonna go to my room... Tell me when Ian gets here…" Derrick said sadly. Derrick gets ready for the afternoon; he takes a shower, changes his clothes, washes his face and puts on his hat. TA DA!! Now that Derrick feels great and sits on the dining table doodling ideas for this afternoon.
The door slams behind Derrick; it’s his father. Mr. West sets his cap on a hook and takes his bag to the laundry room. “That’s the last time I’ll ever use the showers there… IT WAS A NIGHTMARE! Hey sport, how was camp today? Are you getting it? Do you have everything you need for school?”
Derrick starts to pack his doodles in his folder. “Hey. It’s been fun at camp. Everything is alright for me.” He leaves the table and goes in his room.
The doorbell rings and Mr. West answers the door for Ian. “Hello Ian, good to see ya again! What’s with all the cookies?"
Still chewing the cookie he had in his mouth. "Mrs. Josephine, she made a GINORMAS batch of cookies! She was checking her mail and spotted me. She let me take a bunch of cookies for me and your family. I kind of ate some along the way. Want one?"
“It’s ok; you and Derrick should enjoy those tasty cookies. Derricks in his room right now; he needs his friend to cheer him up.” Mr. West said.
Ian walked went to Derrick’s room. Mr. West also walked towards his son’s room. But he slammed his door on his father’s face. Derrick sat on his floor and grabbed a notebook and started to draw. Mr. West sat on the floor by Derrick’s room and started to think. Ian sat by Derrick and ate more cookies.
Mrs. West came by, giving her husband some socks from the stack of laundry. "Honey, it’s going to be ok. It's just ya know... Well, Derricks at that time in his life where he feels uncomfortable stage with his parents.  It's part of being a teenager."
"Yeah, Peter, Steven, and even still Gregg... I guess you’re right. I feel terrible that I have no idea what he's going through. Never having a father at that age was hard, no one to look up to but a hard working mom. Maybe that’s why you make fun of my feminine personality."
"Gee thanks, well Mrs. West you should be heading towards the kitchen then. It’s your turn today. Oh, and don't forget to wear your apron!" Mrs. West joked.
Mr. West walked to the kitchen getting ready for dinner. Derrick was listening the whole time with his head leaned against the door. He still didn't want to talk to his dad. He almost forgot his grandpa died long before he was born. He forgot that his father didn't have a father going up as a kid.
“Hey Derrick,” Ian said holding a cookie near his face, “I know what will cheer you up, it’s a big chocolate chip cookie. Eat it and be happy!”
"Oh that’s ok I'm good, I had lunch at school. And besides I'm not really hungry right now." Derrick sighed.
"Derrick, is this about you and your padre? Come on, you have a good life. Just look at me, I'm a mess. You’re the lucky one! You have a family..." Ian said.
Derrick patted his friend. "I'm sorry, it's just... I don't feel close to my father sometimes. I'm sad; we really need to get out.” Then he remembered something. “OH! Guess what I got from Phil at wood shop today!"
Ian squealed with excitement. "You got it?!?!?"
"Oh heck yes I did!" Derrick said.
Ian and Derrick ran outside to the park, Derrick carried huge ramp pieces and Ian grabbed their skateboards. Once they got there, the two set the ramp up.
"Derrick, why are we setting it up by the fountain? Shouldn’t we move it somewhere else?" Ian said.
"Quit worrying, we'll move it someplace else. I want it over here because I like the sounds of water flowing. It soothes me..." Derrick said.
After, the local park old lady, Nancy, walked up to them. Most people would look at her with disgust as she smiled her crooked smile and wore her little gypsie costume, but that’s not what Ian and Derrick did. Ian smiled and waved to her and Derrick gave her one of the last cookies from Mrs. Josephine. He was starving but he knew Nancy would enjoy it.
                "Hello boys! How are you two doing this wonderful fine summer day? Or is it some fandangled science project?" She said.
                "No Nancy, were making a ramp for our skateboards! It will be the coolest addition to our awesomeness level. So do you have any predictions lately?" Ian said.
                "Not at the moment dear. But when something comes up, I'll tell you. Oh, and by the way this cookie looks amazing, thanks!" she took a bite, "So what’s the ramp doing by the fountain? If you boys want a prediction here, don't put the ramp there or someone might get hurt" Nancy Joked.
                Ian glared at Derrick. "We should. But only if Derrick admits that I told him so."
                Derrick looked away and pouted. "Okay..... We’ll move it."
"HA! I was right!" Ian cheered.
Just then as the two were arguing, Nancy's eyes curled back into her head. The sky grew dark and thunder crackled. The whole park grew still, and starred at the endless sky. Alison didn't notice, she just rambled on thinking about her horrible problems. Derrick looked up and poked at Ian who was still cheering on.
"I-I-IAN!!!! I wouldn’t want to cheer so much anymore!!!" Derrick shouted.
Ian stopped and looked at Derrick, then at the sky. It was the most impossible sight ever; purple clouds and fierce lightning. Ian and Derrick both looked at each other and hugged knowing this may be the last thing they ever see. Nancy's hands rose up towards the sky and lightning shot down at her palms. KABOOM!!! No one else seemed to see what had happened but Derrick and Ian; they all were in a trance starring at the sky. The sky suddenly faded and Nancy regained her senses. Everybody went back to normal, except for Ian and Derrick; they still kept hugging.
"Is it okay to open our eyes? Are we in Heaven?" Derrick cried.
They both opened there eyes seeing light, normal people, and the not so scary Nancy. Nancy walked towards them with a stern face. "Your destiny is about to fulfill children. You will be the ones to create our beautiful future... Time is almost near." Then Nancy smiled. "Oh but before that, I did have a prediction for you." She held out a towel. "Yeah, here you’ll need this. Take it or..." Her face grew dark again. "YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY... Have a nice day boys."
Ian grabbed the towels and Nancy left. “Hmm… I wonder why we’ll need these towels."
"Old people are weird, Ian. Let’s just keep it just in case 'Nancy’s predictions are true." Derrick said.
                Later as they were completing the final touches to the ramp, a fat squirrel came by.
                "Ian! Ian! Ian! Look at this cute chubby squirrel! He’s so adorable!!" Derrick squealed.
                "What that’s not possible squirrels are not-" Ian turns around and sees the squirrel, "WOAH!! This squirrel is the cutest thing EVER!!!"
                As the two nitwits are watching the fat animal, Alison is riding away crying on her bike.
                Alison wipes her eyes. "I have a good family.... My mother loves me.... My dad is not an ass... We are a perfect family... Oh what’s the use!?!? Come on my mother tells me I was an accident! My dad is never home! We are the crappiest family EVER!!!"
                As Alison is ranting on, she doesn’t notice the ramp in front of her heading straight for the fountain. AGGGGGHHHH!!! SPLOOSH!! Ian and Derrick look at the mess they had created; the ramp is still not finished and in the fountain is not a joyful mermaid.
                She stands up. "YOU IMBUSELS!!!!!! WHO PUTS A RAMP IN FRONT OF A FOUNTAIN??!??!" Alison yelled.
                She sees Derrick almost nearly crying and Ian who looks shocked (Alison kind of thinks he looks cute with a face like that). Alison stops ranting and sighs.
                "I'm sorry fellows; I'm kind of fizzled up from today. Yeah it’s pretty stupid to set up a ramp here but can I have some help? I'm terribly sorry. I'm not used to all of this..." Alison said.
                Derrick walks toward Alison. "Look this is my entire fault; I'm the stupid one who set up this here. Here take my hand I'll get ya outta there." Derrick pulls her out and she gets cold. "I'm Derrick and this is my friend Ian."
                "Hullo, my name is Alison. I'm new. It’s a typical old story like the others, if you want to listen. I moved from across the pond, I have family problems, and I hate everything." Alison sighed. She starts to cry. "Oh what’s the use? I don't want to be a bother but could you fellows please help me?"
                Ian smiles and pats her on the back. "Hey carrot top, we can fix that problem.... hit it Oscar!" Oscar comes from behind and brings out a stereo. "Well... when you’re in dire need of help, if you've been put on a self, tossed aside, and no one even heard you yelp. Who’s there for you?"
                Alison stares at him aimlessly "Nobody."
                Ian and Derrick get close to her and wrap a towel around her. "FREINDS!!!"
                Derrick jumps on a bench and nearly falls off. "Who’s there for you when you’re in trouble, which will be there for you in a double?"
                "FRIENDS!!" The two yell.
                Ian hugs himself. "It’s dark and scary and you don't seem quite too merry? The ghosts, goals, and freaks come out, who do you loudly shout?"
                "Ghostbusters!!" Derrick cheered.
                "No Derrick, that’s another song." Ian said.
                "Oh yeah, sorry. Hmm..." Derrick snaps his fingers. "I've got it! When you are hungry and need a snack, WE GOT YOUR BACK! Oreos... I got to pack! Ha-ha rhyming is so much fun! Oh! Alison, now you try!"
                Alison’s frown is gone, but she isn't smiling. "It all was bad from the start, in fact I even lost my heat, but who will be there to pick up a part?"
                Ian and Derrick hug Alison. "FRIENDS!!!"
                "Thanks, but could you please not touch me, I need my space." Alison. "But you guys seem cool; would you be willing to let me hang out with me?"
                They both nod. Derrick smiled at Ian, who gives him a signal. Derrick pulls out three sombreros and puts them on everyone. "Now that you are officially our friend, WE ARE NOW THE THREE AMIGOS!!"
                Ian pulls out a guitar and starts to play. "Welcome to the neighborhood!! Now let’s show our fine guest tour of this fine city."
                "I never signed up for anything..." Alison said.
                Ian, Derrick, and their newest friend Alison walk off towards the street and sing. They have a wonderful montage of fun and they stop for a short break at the soda fountain. Derrick taps Ian on the shoulder. "Hey Ian it's almost sunset, you need to be back before Susan yells at you again."
                Ian slaps himself. "Crap I almost forgot!"
                "Parents giving you trouble? I know how you feel." Alison said.
                Ian looked away. "I don't have any... I do have a guardian, but she doesn’t really count as family. So I stay at the children’s shelter."
                "Wait so you’re an orphan? Oh, I'm sorry. My parents are the devil, and they hate me. They ruined my life by making us move to America...” Alison said scoping up a spoon of ice-cream.
                "Well that’s not nice... you’re supposed to love your family. And Hey! We Americans are cool! We have freedom and religious rights! What country do you come from?" Derrick said.
                " I travel all the time to England, France, Austria, Germany, and sometimes Italy. My parents make me move all the time because there stupid Geologists... But mum is Prego now so we can't afford nice things anymore; we had to move to America."
                "So you’re European! Cool! Do you know lots of languages?? Where did you live mostly? Why don't you have a cool accent?" Ian asked
                "Yes. I had to stay in England with grandparents while mummy and daddy were gone. I don't know I was born here... in Stupid America, the armpit of the world." Alison said in an angry mood.
                "Whoa, um Ian doesn’t poke the bear... Um let ask to take the bear home and my mom will drop you off." Derrick said. He turns around and looks at Alison. "So Alison, I guess we could take you home."
                While walking home Ian asks Alison a question. "So school starts tomorrow. What school are you going to?"
                "I’m not sure... I think it is the one that’s near the big library. Yeah... it’s called Lee something High school." Alison replied.
                "Leeston High School!! That’s the school were going to this year too! What grade are you in?!?!" Derrick cheered.
                "Hmmm... since I'm 15 and in America, so I guessing, freshman?" Alison said.
                "Coolio, were fresh meat too! Yay we know somebody! Let’s just hope we get classes with each other!" Ian cheered.
                They walked towards a corner to Alison's house. She waves goodbye to her new friends and comes into the lobby. Her mother is standing right in the middle starring furiously at her. "Do you know what time it is??"
                Alison walks away from her. "It’s like 8 o' clock. I was out with some new friends, like you wanted me to."
                Her mother walks towards her. "Excuse me that still mean you can’t be up so late! Go up to your room and get ready for school, NOW MISSY!"
                "Ok, Ok. But it's only 8 o' clock!! And I've been ready for school since Thursday! Leave me alone!" Alison runs away.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Madeline's Movie Reviews

Hooray!!! I've always wanted to do this!!! Last Sunday I was on Netfix with my sis when I was watching Ponyo.  It's an adorable movie!!! Also one of my favorites from Hayao Miyazaki, who is the bomb when it comes to movies. So its about this little boy named Sōsuke who finds a runaway fish named Ponyo. He keeps her as a pet and she becomes attached to the little boy. But her father finds out that she's ran away, so he steals her back (using his weirdo sea magic) and tells her that she not ready for humans. Hayao also got inspiration from the movie little mermaid, which is so cool cause when I was watching it I was thinking about that movie. And it also reminds me of the legend of Zelda Majora's Mask because the moon is coming to close to the earth, all because Ponyo's in love with Sōsuke (awww....). I really like the engilsh version because it has a lot of people I know in it; like Tina Fey, Frankie Jonas, Betty White, and Noah Cyrus. Overall I gave it 5 stars, so watch this move, it's super cool, cute, and THE MOON MIGHT DESTROY US ALL!!! Oh, and also ham, I really like ham.
Look! It's Ponyo!!! AND SHE'S WALKING ON WATER!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

I LOVE Pokemon!!

Today's Poke drawing from me and my amazing laptop is... Chimchar!!! He's one of my favorite fire types in Pearl, plus there's not that many good fire types at all in that one. I've only used him once (sorry Chimchar but I favor water types more) if I could use all three starter Pokemon, I totally would use him more often. But no, Pokemon has to be challenging and gives you only one starter, AND the worst part is your rival ALWAYS has to get  the opposite of you (I'm getting off topic AGAIN). Oh! Chimchar, yeah... the reason why I picked this scene was mostly because he's a fire type and I like campfires.

Yeah, and this is why I hate RIVALS!!!

Poem 1

My heart;
It once was big and bright
Now it's black and dark inside
And now I don't know if I have one

Long ago I was a happy free
Well at least I thought
Until that fatal day
The storms came in and I lost my heart
I was niaeve
and in love
or was I?

The storms go by
I am all alone
cleaning up the mess I made
while I am still trying to get up
my legs they're sinking
I grab somthing
nothing works
I start sliding in
As my hands are hanging off the edge
no one is there to help me...

I stay in this position for months
I thought

I can help myself!
Who cares if no one comes?
I pulled as hard as I could out
And for the first time
I stood up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I love Pokemon!!

Look! Look this is what I drew today!! And I did this all thanks to my amazing laptop! Hooray!! I really like the updated version of Paint on PC. (Oops I'm off topic..) This is Ralts, this is one of my favorite Pokemon ever! When I was younger (hmm... about 10 or 11) I got my first actual Pokemon game, Pokemon Sapphire!! I didn't ever finish it (yet! Some day I will!!) but I always got this little guy out in the fields every time I restarted. It took a long time for me to get Ralts at first... and I really REALLY hated Wally (if you've ever played ruby/sapphire)  who catches a Ralts in no time, WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE! But anyways this is a cool Pokemon, I drew it and that makes me AWESOME!!!... Gotta catch them all! PO-KE-MON!!! :P